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Send Them Back Healthy

Jennifer Badach R.Ac.

Updated: Feb 17, 2020

Tips to keep your kids healthy as they head back to school

Sherwood Park Acupuncture for Children

It’s that time of year again. The new school year is upon us. Amidst your frantic trips to the store to buy school supplies and new clothes for the kids it’s easy to forget about staying healthy. And if you think you are the only one this happens to, don’t worry you’re not. Within the hustle and bustle of everyday life it is easy to forget about nourishing your body the right way sometimes. Here are a few tips and tricks to get your kids (and you) healthy for the new school year ahead!

1. Limit the Screentime. Technology is everywhere. It is true that 24/7 technology will be present in your life in some shape or form, and will influence or form our habits. But, it is best to try and limit these habits. They promote a lifestyle with less movement and activity, this has been shown to lead to increased obesity and cardiovascular disease. The use of technology should be limited, and especially when it comes to your children! You want to make sure your children stay active and healthy, and a good way to do this is to limit the amount they use technological appliances.

2. Eat Fruits and Vegetables with Every Meal! This is very important. One major aspect of staying healthy is to introduce nutrient-rich raw foods into your diet. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and essential nutrients to enrich and keep the body functioning properly and get it to its best potential. Introduce a daily intake of fruits and vegetables into your child’s life. Make fruits and vegetables fun, start by implementing them as small snacks into every meal period throughout the day, and then as the kids catch on to how delicious they can be, start utilizing a plethora of fruits and veggies as main-course meals.

3. The Most Important Meal of the Day: Breakfast. Sticking with the food theme is so easy when it comes to talking about being healthy, so we have to mention breakfast. Breakfast is very important and can be critical to starting your child’s day off on the right foot. Make sure you are supplying them with a nutrient-rich breakfast including lots of carbohydrates and various essential vitamins. Don’t just overload on one thing. For example, a breakfast with fresh fruit, cereal and yogurt (for probiotics) can really be a game changer as your child heads back into the busy time the school year provides.

3 Superfoods to Sneak in Your Kid’s Lunch

The kids heading back to school means you are headed back to work. And, I am not just talking about your actual job, you know, the one where you go to an office everyday throughout the Monday through Friday workweek. I am talking about packing lunches, that’s right, it is that time again. Packing your children’s lunches is a great way to guarantee they are getting the nutrients they need, as you do not always know what is prepared at the school’s cafeteria. Here are five superfoods you can sneak into your child’s lunch. Superfoods will provide the extra health boost they need!

1. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are great because they can be put into almost anything. In addition, chia seeds pack a powerful nutrient-rich punch, they are high in protein, fat and omega-3s. Chia seeds have been said to protect the body from chronic diseases. Sprinkle some chia seeds into your kid’s sandwich, yogurt or smoothie and they will instantly have a super lunch.

2. Avocado

Filled with mass amounts of fiber and potassium, avocado is truly one of the more delicious superfoods. And, with a plethora of uses it is easy to sneak in some avocado to your kid’s sack lunch. Start by introducing them to guacamole, and then you can put a little guacamole with some blue corn tortilla chips or veggie chips into their lunch. Once they warm up to the avocado, use it in sandwiches, salads or other main courses.

3. Blueberries

Finally, something a little easier. Everyone loves blueberries, right? I mean how can you now appreciate such a delicious fruit. Most importantly, this fruit is one of the most powerful superfoods you can consume. High in antioxidants and phytonutrients, low in sugars and rich in vitamin C, this berry is a modern-day wonder. But, perhaps the easiest thing about blueberries is that you don’t even have to sneak them in. Just put the berries in a small container in your child’s lunch and they are sure to eat them up.

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